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Version: v2.2.0


Upgrade the cluster deployed by Helm

User can deploy a dragonfly cluster on kubernetes with Helm. The helm chart is a project managed by dragonfly Team. User can query and download the latest version chart or history version from Artifact Hub.

Before Upgrade, user must read the Change Log to make sure the breaking changes between the current version and target version.

# check the dragonfly repo existence
helm repo list | grep dragonfly

# [Optional] add repo if not exist
helm repo add dragonfly

# update locally cached repo information
helm repo update

# upgrade the dragonfly
helm upgrade --install -n dragonfly-system dragonfly dragonfly/dragonfly [--version 0.5.50] [-f values.yaml]


  1. On the above example, dragonfly/dragonfly means dragonfly release under dragonfly repo, 0.5.50 is the upgrading target version,user can specify the version as you want.

  2. If user need specify extra parameters, user can edit the values.yaml you configured for the old release and specify with -f values.yaml.

  3. If you want to drop the chart parameters you configured for the old release or set some new parameters, it is recommended to add --reset-values flag in helm upgrade command.

  4. When upgrading, If you want to reuse the last release's values, it is recommended to add --reuse-values flag in helm upgrade command.

  5. More information about helm upgrade sub-command can be found in helm home page.

  6. For those users can't fetch the chart from remote repo, follow this step:

    # download dragonfly helm chart from github source repo. use version 0.5.50 as an example

    # method 1:
    # method 2:
    git clone -b dragonfly-0.5.50 --depth=1

    # upgrade the dragonfly
    helm upgrade --install -n dragonfly-system dragonfly <Path/To/Chart> [-f values.yaml | --reset-values]